Various Planets and Satellites in Solar System-Constellations

Various Planets and Satellites in Solar System-Constellations

Constellation can be explained as a group of cards observed in clear night skies that form a subject's pattern or a specific object pattern. Many constellations are viewed from the earth and observed by telescope or even with an open eye.

Constellation can be defined as an area where a group of stars are organized in a particular pattern or a particular way of arrangement which makes a typical outline of any particular object or an outline of a figure of a subject, which may be a mythological subject or an animal. In Astronomy, there is great interest in constellations to identify the arrangement of stars. In the past, the constellations were used to build the story and belief of any mythological event. Still, in our present days’ constellations are used as the belief and proof of mythological history. The statements of many constellations have been found in the mythological history in Greek, which revealed that the identification of constellations was common in the past to build up mythological beliefs.  


A list of 88 constellations was accepted and granted by the International Astronomical Union in 1922. The anime of the 88 modern patterns of constellations was given according to the Astronomical naming system, and the modern pattern was adopted officially for international stars to identify the constellations. Constellation is a word which is derived from an old Latin word, cōnstellātiō, meaning ‘set of stars’. In Greek terminology, the word constellation stands for patterns of visible stars which are recognizable. 

The constellations are visible from the earth at a particular time of the year. The pattern of stars can be seen from a significant latitude and longitude of the earth. The constellations can be seen from the particular space of the earth at a particular time. In many mythological books and historical books, it has been mentioned that the constellations were used to understand the directions in the past, and people believed that the mythological characters were real, which is the visible sky. The outline of many mythological characters has been recognized in the night sky, which is recorded internationally. Different constellations adopted to be recorded internationally include ‘Ursa Major’, ‘Ursa Minor’, ‘the Twins’, ‘the bull’, ‘the Hunter’, and so on. 

Description of different constellation
‘Big dipper’ is a part of ‘Ursa Major.’

The big dipper is usually not adopted as a constellation, but it is considered a part of Ursa Major’s constellation; Ursa major is associated with a mythological character. The structure of this constellation is like a great bear. This constellation can be observed from the northern hemisphere in the summer season. The big dipper is the part of Ursa Major, which represents the neck and chest of the constellation of Ursa major. The big dipper is the part found before the great bear, composed of 7 stars. The two stars of the big dipper named Merak and Dhube are the most famous stars used to navigate the location of the North pole star, which is located in the outline of the constellation Ursa Minor. 

‘Little dipper’ is a part of ‘ Ursa Minor.’

The Big constellation digger helps recognize the other constellation, ‘Ursa Minor’. The structure of this constellation is like a little bear due to the outline, and this is also known as a little bear. Little digger is a part of Ursa Minor. The cup shape of Ursa Minor forms the hack and a part of Ursa Minor. This constellation is also observed from the northern hemisphere. Polaris is the most important star, which is located in Ursa Minor. Polishes are the brightest yellowish star used by mariners for navigation. 

‘Orion the great Hunter.’

Orion is the most easily recognizable constellation. It can be easily spotted in the clear night sky, located in the celestial equator, which makes it easily visible for both southern and northern hemisphere areas. The three bright stars formed the belt of the Great Hunter and made it easily visible and recognizable. The constellation name was given from the name of heart hunter Orion in Greek mythology as the layout of the constellation is associated with the imaginary figure of the character. Rigel is the brightest star which is located in the arm of Orion. This constellation is visible in the clear night sky in winter.

‘Gemini the twins’

Orion is considered the key constellation to find another most popular constellation named Gemini, the twins. It is exactly located in the good area of the constellation Orion. This constellation is very much similar with two identical figures of two sticks. The shining stars are exactly located in the same positions of two sticks. This constellation is also visible from the north and south hemispheres. 


Constellations are the groups of stars that are visible from the night sky. A group of stars forms the constellations. The people and sailors use the shining stars of the constellations for navigation in the voyage. In many mythology books, there is much evidence of visual constellations in the night sky. 88 constellations cover the celestial sphere entirely granted by the International Astronomical Union.

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