Various Planets and Satellites in Solar System-Venus

Various Planets and Satellites in Solar System-Venus

“Venus” is considered to be the second planet to the Sun along with being the closest planetary neighbor of Earth.

Venus is known to be the hottest planet in the Solar System, despite Mercury being the closest planet to the Sun. Venus comes in the second number of our Solar System and is the 1st neighbor of planet Earth. Venus is named after the “Roman Goddess” of love and beauty. It is also considered to be the only planet that is named after a female. According to the ancient astronomers, Venus is named after the magnificent creator of Pantheon in respect of being the brightest as compared to the other five planets. 

History of Venus

Previously, Venus was thought of being two different stars that appear first during the sunrise and at the time of sunset. Therefore in the Latin language, they are known as “Vesper” and “Lucifer”. In the Common Era, “Lucifer”, also known as “light-bringer”, was famed as the other name of “Satan” prior to his fall. However, later on, during the age of space-time, there is known to be an intensely infernal environment. 

Surface Conditions of Venus

Venus is considered to be twin with Earth in respect to the similarity of various aspects such as mass, size, density, gravity, and composition. To be more specific, Venus is just a little smaller than planet Earth however it carries approx 80% similar amount of mass in respect to Earth.

The inner part of Venus is estimated to be built of a metallic core of iron with a width of 2400 miles i.s. 6000 km. The mantle part of Venus is estimated to have a thickness of 1200 miles that is equal to 3000 km. The crust of Venus is made up of Basalt and is gauged as being 6 to 12 miles thicker on average.

Venus is considered to be the hottest planet in our solar system, despite Mercury being the closest planet to the Sun. It provides warmth to the earth because of the dense atmospheric conditions that tend to trap the heat in a rungable way due to the effects of the Greenhouse. Therefore it is considered that the temperature of Venus reaches approx 880 degrees of Fahrenheit which is equal to 471 degrees in the Celsius unit. This measurement of the temperature also can be concluded as perfect for melting lead. Moreover, it has also been observed that due to this type of temperature, spacecraft that have been sent for inspections are not able to survive more than a few hours. 

The surface pressure of Venus has been observed to be 90 times more than planet Earth. This pressure can be considered similar to the pressure which exists 3300 feet or 1000 meters deep in the ocean. As per the calculations of the scientist of “GODDARD INSTITUTE FOR SPACE STUDIES” of “NASA” the atmosphere of Venus seemed to be habitable in the early times.

The surface area of Venus has been observed to be extremely dry as the ultraviolet rays from the Sun have evaporated the water in a quicker way during the timer of evolution. This has led the planet to stay in a “prolonged mantle state”. Moreover, it is also observed that due to the scorching heat which is created through the ozone-filled layer in the atmosphere that boils away the water, there is no trace of liquid water left on the surface of Venus. 

Inside conditions of planet Venus

Nearly two-thirds of the surface of Venus is covered through the pains that are mutilated through lots of volcanoes. Few of these volcanoes are still active today along with a line-up of approx 0.5 to 150 miles which is equal to 0.8 to 240 km in width. This also includes the flowing of lava that engraves the long and wide canals that are expected to be 3000 miles which are equal to 5000 km in length.

Apart from that, there are six regions of mountains that cover one-third of the surface area of Venus. One of these ranges of mountains has been named Maxwell, which is having a length of 540 miles that is equal to 870 km along with a height of 7 miles which is similar to 11.3 km making it the highest surface feature of Venus. Moreover, the surface features of Venus also include Coronae or the crowns; these are basically structured as rings with a range of approx 95 to 1300 miles which is equal to 155 to 2100 km in width. These are estimated to be formed during the rise of the hot material from underneath the crust of Venus that warped the surface area of the planet. There are many ridges and valley parents on the surface of the planet that are also formed by the rise of the hot material from the crust.


The naming of the planet along with the history of its existence has been mentioned by the researcher in this research paper. This research paper concludes that Venus is the closest planet to Earth providing warmth due to the dry atmospheric condition along with the presence of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid. The absence of water on the planet due to the rise in temperature that leads to the evaporation of water is also highlighted by the researcher. The researcher has also described the surface conditions of the planet along with the names and approximate measurements of the mountain ranges that are present on Venus.

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