Three and Four-Figure Series

Three and Four-Figure Series

Reasoning ability refers to the thinking capacity and mental awareness of a student. Verbal and non-verbal reasoning are very effective for creating a critical thinking capacity for a student or an individual.


Figure series refers to the series of some pattern in which one has to identify the next pattern, which will be sequential to it. Three and four-figure series is very important for improving reasoning skills and they can help to improve critical thinking. This study has given a brief discussion regarding the three and four-figure series. This study has given a brief definition of the figure series and it has also discussed the strategies for solving the series quickly. This study has also discussed the types of non-verbal series and their importance for improving logical skills. A brief discussion regarding the contradictions between logical and analytical reasoning has also been provided in this study.     

What are three and four-figure series? 

Figure series is one of the most important topics for the competitive exams and training programs for candidates of various departments. Figure series is one of the most effective tools, which helps to test the thinking capacity of an individual. Three and four-figure series consist of a series of three to four figures, which are interlinked to each other by a specific figural similarity. An individual is asked to find the next figure, which can be relevant to the question series from a set of figures provided in the answer option. Three and four-figure series consists of patterns with various geometrical symbols and the configuration of the next figure has specific pattern retaliation with its preceding figure. Besides that, an individual is also asked to find the odd one out of the given figure series. The given series of four figures contains one such figure, which has no specific relation to the rest of the figure. 

What is nonverbal series? 

The non-verbal reasoning or figure series is very important for testing and sharpening the cognitive skills of an individual. Non-verbal series consists of a series of patterns and figures with specific shapes and configurations. Three and four-figure series is one of the most important parts of nonverbal reasoning. There are several types of patterns and figures such as; mirror-image patterns, rotational patterns, do images and many other specific shapes. Non-verbal reasoning is very effective in enhancing the mental level of an individual. This type of reasoning test is very essential for testing the intelligence level of an individual and it is very effective for omitting linguistic constraints. Non-verbal reasoning and figure series are effectively used in military services and police services for coding secret messages. This type of song skill is very necessary for performing intelligence works effectively. 

Strategies for improving three and four-figure series reasoning 

Three and four-figure series is one of the most important parts of non-verbal reasoning. This series requires high skills and thinking capacity to solve it effectively and quickly. Three are several steps and strategies, which can be very effective for solving non-verbal reasoning questions and these, are as follows; 

Accuracy is one of the major keys to solving figure series reasoning quickly. Understanding the given pattern is very necessary for mastering the accuracy of the questions. A test regarding three and four-figure series generally seeks to try the accuracy rate of an individual. The accuracy rate is tested on behalf of the attempted questions. It means that in case someone has attempted 5 problems of figure series out of 8 and he has got 4 correct, his accuracy rate is 4 out of 5. 

Drawing out the given pattern in the question is another effective way to master the skills for solving figure series problems. It can be very effective to assess the pattern similarity between the given figures and this will help to identify the odd one or next to one out of the given series. 

Paying attention to the figure detailing the given patterns are very necessary for solving the series quickly. Attentiveness to the detailing will allow generating critical thinking and deep assessment of the figure series and this will be very effective to solve the series quickly. 

Difference between logical reasoning and analytical reasoning 

Logical reasoning – This type of reasoning refers to the critical assessment of individual steps and figures for identifying the next pattern or odd figure out of the series.

This type of reasoning involves various patterns and figures such as three or four-figure series problems. An individual is asked to find the logic behind the patterns and figures.

Analytical reasoning- This type of reasoning ability refers to the analysis of a given situation. This type of reasoning involves the assessment of the related aspects and factors.

Analytical responses consist of number series or problems. These types of problems ask an individual to assess the analytical concept of the given number series or problems. This type of reasoning requires numerical skills instead of logical skills.


Reasoning skills are one of the most important skills for an individual regarding his intelligence and mental development. Non-verbal reasoning skills are very essential for enhancing the critical thinking level of an individual. This study has effectively discussed the three and four series of problems regarding non-verbal reasoning. This study has also discussed the effective strategies for effectively solving non-verbal reasoning. This study can be very effective for undertaking the various patterns and configurations of three and four-figure series. This study has also provided a brief difference between logical and analytical reasoning. A deep assessment of the figure pattern and configuration can allow an individual to develop better intelligence and cognitive skills.

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