The Earth Shape and Size-Solstice

The Earth: Shape and Size-Solstice

The tilt in the earth’s axis causes the longest or shortest day on earth, occurring Solstice which brings seasonal changes and weather changes on earth.


The solstice is the event that happens twice a year when the axis of the earth gets tilted and as a result of that, the sun gets closer to the earth. There is also a case when, by the tilt of the axis of the earth, the sun gets away from the earth as well. These two events caused the longest day on the earth and the shortest day on the earth as well. In this project, the concept of solstice and the effect of the solstice on earth will be discussed thoroughly. The shape and the size of the earth in that special event will also be discussed in this study. 


This is a geographical event in which the axis of the earth gets tilted and the tilt of the axis happens in both ways. In one event the tilt causes the sun to get closer to the earth. As a result, the day gets shorter. Another event occurs when due to the tilt the sun gets away from the earth and this causes the longest day on earth. Both of these events happen once a year and cause two consecutive events. These two events happen approximately once in the summers and one in the winter. Approximately near 21st June and near 21st December these events happen. The summer solstice begins the longest days in the summer and the winter solstice brings the shortest days in the winter. 

Physical Geography Solstice

The start of the summer happens in the northern hemisphere, near about in June. The start of the winter happens nearly from December in the northern hemisphere. On the days of Solstice, the sun comes on the top of the sky overhead at noon. In this event, the solar point of the earth appeared nearly to the equator region at the time of equinoxes. After this event, there is a migration of the sun from the north end to the southern end of the earth. Between two solstices there is an occurrence of the day where there is a 12 hours day and 12 hours night is found. This event mainly occurs in the equator region. 

In the northern region at the time of the occurrence of the solstice, the strike of the rays of sun night happened in the 23.5 degrees, at the birth of Ecuador. This is also known as the Tropic of Cancer in the north. The same thing happens, at the time of the solstice in the southern region, the strike of the sun rays happened at 23.5 degrees as well. It strikes the south of the Ecuador region which is also known as the Tropic of Capricorn. 

The Earth: Shape and Size-Solstice 

The leading change that can be observed is that both the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere are situated on the same right angles from the sun. At the time of the occurrence of the solstice, the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere are situated at a 90-degree angle due to the occurrence of the tilt in the earth axis. Due to this tilt, there is the occurrence of the seasons on the earth. The weather changes and the signal changes occur by the change of the intensity of the sunray and humidity. 

From December 21st to March 21st the winter season occurs. From 21st March to June 21st is the time of the summer season. From 21st of June onwards to 22nd of September, there is the occurrence of the Rainy season on earth. At last, from the 23rd of September to the 21st December there is the occurrence of the autumn season on earth. The orientation and the tilt in the axis is the main reason behind the acceptance of sun rays and the occurrence of the seasons in the earth. In the winter the distance between the sun and the earth is shorter and instead of that, weather is cooler as the rays fall on the earth in a tilted manner. 


From the above analysis, it can be understood that the occurrence of the different seasons on the earth is mainly due to the occurrence of the Solstices. Both the north solstice and the south solstices mainly bring Sumner and the winter season on earth. The occurrence of the gilt in the axis is the main reason that the days become shorter and longer in different seasons. Both these solstices are the reasons for bringing the longest days in the northern hemisphere and the shortest days in the southern hemisphere and vice versa. The orientation in the axis is the reason behind the weather changes on the earth. 

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