The Earth Shape and Size-Heat Zones of the Earth

The Earth: Shape and Size-Heat Zones of the Earth

Heat zones of the earth are divided in parallel latitude and three types of heat zones occur in the earth. These three types of heat zones are Torrid Zone, temperate zone, and Frigid Zone.

Heat zones of the earth are mainly geographically associated zones, divided mainly by parallel latitude. Mainly three types of heat zones occurred on the earth that are torrid, temperate, and frigid zones. In all of these zones, the Torrid Zone is a very hot zone for their heat consumption. Based on this study, it also understands that the heat zone of the earth depends on the sun’s rays and their position. Heat zones of the earth mainly have three different types. 

Discussion on Heat Zones of the Earth 

Heart zones are mainly divided into three zones that are torrid, frigid, and temperate zones. Heat zones of the earth are mainly geographically associated zones, divided mainly by parallel latitude. These zones are much hotter than the other heat zones. In this zone, the sun passes from the overhead position once a year and parallel latitude. These zones are located within the equator region. Temperate zone is neither hot nor cold because of the sun’s position. In this zone, sun rays pass by the little slating position. 

Based on the heat zone it also understands that frigid zones are associated with the Pole with more freezing points. In this zone sun rays pass by the great slanting position, that’s why this zone becomes colder than the others.  In these zones summer is cool and the winters are cold. In all of these zones, the Torrid Zone is a very hot zone for their heat consumption. 

Explain the physical geography of the heat zone 

According to the three hate zones of the earth, torrid zones are situated between the tropics of the earth and within the equator region. Temperate zone is also situated between the tropic of Capricorn and Antarctic Circle and on the other hand, frigid zones are situated between the artistic circle and the north pole of the hemisphere. This zone also occurred in the southern hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle around 66 ½ degrees south. This zone is present in the North Pole and south pole that’s why this zone is always cold for the sun’s rays. In this zone, the sun rays pass by the slanting position that provides less heat to the earth. These zones are less hot than the torrid zones.

Discussion on three heat zones of the earth 

Three types of heat zones have occurred on the earth. These three types of heat zones are Torrid Zone, temperate zone, and Frigid Zone. Torrid zones, torrid zones are much hotter than the other heat zones. In this zone, the sun passes from the overhead position once a year and parallel latitude. These zones are located within the equator region.  Temperate zone, this zone is neither hot nor cold because of the sun ray’s position. In this zone, sun rays pass by the little slating position. These zones are less hot than the Torrid Zone. The north heat zone occurs between the tropic of cancer and the Arctic Circle. On the other hand, this zone is mainly involved in four seasons that are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. 

Frigid Zone, the Frigid Zone is always cold as the sun rays pass position. In this zone sun rays are passed by the grate slanting position. These zones are less hot than the torrid zones. In these zones summer is cool and the winters are cold. On the other hand, north frigid zones are associated with the Arctic Circle and North Pole. The South Frigid Zone is also associated between the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole. According to the heat zones of the earth, it is also understood that the Torrid Zone is the hottest zone on the earth and the temperate zone is neither hot nor cold. Conclusion 

According to the heat zones of the earth, it is concluded that heart zones are mainly divided into three zones that are torrid, frigid, and temperate zones. It also concluded that the Torrid Zone is a much higher heat-associated zone than the other. Based on this heating zone it also concluded that heat zones are divided into parallel latitudes. According to the heat zone, it can conclude that the temperate zone is neither cold nor hot because of the sun’s shine passing by the little slanting position. On the other hand, the Frigid Zone is always cold because of the sun’s shine passing by the curate slating position.

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