The Earth Shape and Size-Forests

The Earth: Shape and Size-Forests

The “forest” defines the area of the land that is 0.05 to 1 hectare in size and that more than 30 % is covered through the canopy of the tree.

The study is based on the “forest”, which is essential for the life of the human body, as well as all the people of the world, depending on the “forest” directly. The main thing is that the people and all the living creatures of the world need the oxygen that gets from the trees only. The “forest” protects the watersheds and inspires the wonder of the world and gives the places for recreation. The “forest” is the collection of trees and the home to more than three-quarters of the life of the world. The “forest” takes many forms based on the latitude, rainfall, and prevailing temperatures as well as being dominated by the cones of trees. Moreover, the study determines the “types of forests” of the whole world which compare with the size of the rainforests. 

Definition of the “forest”

The “forest” is the essential part of life on earth for the people and depends on direct livelihood. The “forest” provides the habit of the vast array of plants and animals and many of the still discovered by the protection. The “forest” protects the watersheds and inspires wonders and gives the places of recreation and needs to survive the oxygen. The “forest” is more than a collection of trees and most of the “forest” is one-third of the world. The ecosystem is the complex web of organisms that involves animals, plants, bacteria, fungi. 

How many “types of forests”

There are six “types of forests” that are tropical evergreen forest, temperate evergreen forest, tropical deciduous forests, Mediterranean vegetation, tropical deciduous forest, coniferous forest. These “forests” are very dense and found in the regions and the equator to the tropics. The regions receive heavy rain in the year and shed the leaves of the remaining green all the time of the year. The “forest” is normally fond of the changes of the seasonal experiences as well as mostly found in the location of the sea in the world. 

The importance of “forest”

The “forest” depends on survival from the breath to the wood that is used many times. The habits for the animals and life of the humans, “forest” offer the watershed of protection, prevent soil erosion, and mitigate the climate of the change. The “forest” gives shelter, water, food, and fuel, as well as all the activities of the beings, directly and indirectly, involved in the “forest”. 

The advantages of “forest”

There are many advantages of the “forest” and helps for the maintenance of the level of the oxygen in the facilitating atmosphere and the breathing of the animals and humans. The “forest” helps to absorb the floods, and reduce the soil loss and property damage of the slow flow. Advantages of the “forest” influences on the climate, control of the runoff, flood control, prevention of the soil erosion, removal of the pollutants, and the noise of the abatement. 

Role of the “forest”

The role of the “forest” such as forest as the habit, forest as the resources, ecological functions of the forest, and change of the climate. The “forest” ecosystem is much more than the population of the trees and the land. The “forest” provides habitat for the host of the species of the plants and manages the numerous of the animals. Most of the associated species cannot live in the absolute needs of the people. 

Effects of “forest”

The “forest” affects the world through global warming is the primary cause of the human causes of carbon dioxide. The “forest” contains the values of carbon. At the time of destruction, bringing off the “forest” releases the carbon of the atmosphere in the form of re-carbon dioxide. The remaining “forest” suffers from the pollution of the selective logging and operations of degrading of the local ecosystem. 


The study focuses on the shape and size of forests on the earth’s surface through the land defined by UNFCCC. The Earth: Shape and Size “forests” are covered by trees that need to have the potential to achieve a minimum height of 2-6 meters. The study discusses the percentage of forests of the world that helps to find. The Earth: Shape and Size “forests”. In addition, the study holds the details of “The Earth: Shape and Size-Forests” the largest “forests” on the surface of the earth. The Earth: Shape and Size “forests” are defined in the study that the earth is not in its proper shape, that is an oblate spheroid. The study demonstrates that the earth is round by the moon according to astronomers. Moreover, the study discusses the “types of the forest” with the determination of the size and shape of “forests”. Most of the expense of the land is covered with trees and inhabited by animals. 

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