The Earth Shape and Size-Equinoxes

The Earth: Shape and Size-Equinoxes

A definition of the equinox will be analysed in this study. The science, culture of the equinox, and its differences with solstice will be discussed

A discussion on the equinox will be done in this study. The definition and the overview of the equinox and the types of equinoxes will be discussed. A difference between the equinox and solstice will be analysed in this study. This study also focuses on the cultural conceptions of the equinoxes that are celebrated in different cultures and religions. Furthermore, this study will explain the science of the equinox. 3. Discussion

The definition and overview of the equinox

The equinoxes refer to the event of the subsolar point of the planet in which the point passes by the equator of the earth. This event happens when both the southern and the northern “hemisphere” have equal amounts of time at night and day.  

There are two equinoxes that happen on the earth each year. The first one happens on March 21, and the second one on September 22. The equinoxes are also known as the “vernal equinox” and the “autumnal equinox”. The vernal equinox happens in the spring, whereas the autumnal equinox happens in the fall.

The equinox of the march is known as the vernal “equinox” In the hemisphere of the northern region. On the other hand, the equinox of the march is known as the “autumnal” equinox in the hemisphere of the southern region of the earth.

Difference between solstice and equinox

The solstice and the equinoxes both are responsible for the change of the seasons on the earth. But many times, the differences between them cannot be perceived for which many of us think those two things are the same. However, the equinox and the solstice are opposite of each other.

There are two types of solstices on the earth which happen around June 20 to 21 and December 21 to 22. In these times of the year, the distance of the northern region and the southern region from the sun becomes the farthest for the northern and the southern region respectively. Hence, these two are called solstices.

On the other hand, the equinoxes happen in times of March 21 and September 23. Hence, it is clear that the solstice and the equinoxes are two different things that happen due to the geographic tilt of the earth. 

The science of the equinoxes

At the time of the equinoxes, the declination of the solar rays becomes 0⁰. The declination is the “latitude” of “earth”, where the sun stays overhead directly at noon. Therefore, it is clear that the equinoxes happen only at the time when the sun rays fall on the equator directly at a right angle with the surface of the earth. As this can be possible only two times a year, hence, the equinoxes happen two times every year.

On the other hand, at the time of the equinoxes, the earth is not tilted by 23.5⁰. Hence, it becomes possible to drop the sun rays directly in a perpendicular manner on the equator of the earth.

The culture of the equinoxes

The equinox of March and September both have two different impacts of seasonal changes on the atmosphere of the earth. There are different cultures that are celebrated at the time of the equinoxes. Hence, the geography of the earth and the geographical event has also a connection with the cultural celebration.

The March equinox

The equinox of March month is responsible for the seasonal change of Spring. In this season, many types of cultures are celebrated. Some cultures celebrate the “March Equinox” as the beginning of a new year. 

The September equinox

Like the celebration of the March equinox, the “September equinox” is also celebrated in many cultures. “High Holy Days” is a cultural event of Judaism that is celebrated at the time of the “September equinox”. “Rose Hashanah” is the event of the new year celebration in Judaism, which happens at this time of the thew equinox.


Equinox is the event in which the sun rays come on the surface of the region of the equator perpendicularly. This happens two times each year, one on March 21, and another on September 22. The science behind the equinoxes has been explained in this study in detail. Furthermore, many cultural events are celebrated at the time of the equinoxes. A brief description of the cultural relation with this geographical event has been given in this study. A difference between the solstice and the equinox has also been given in this study.

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