The Date Line and Universal Time (UT)

The Date Line and Universal Time (UT)

The universal time and dateline are the two focus points of this present study. The study has an idea about the concept of the shape and size of the earth.

In the year 1884 International dateline was established which is located halfway around the world. The International Date Line has been followed by the longitude of 180 degrees of north-south line on the surface of the earth. It can be estimated that the International Date Line has been spread out through the mid Pacific Ocean. It has an assumption that is located at the Greenwich of England on the 0-degree longitude. Universal time is a concept of solar time that can reflect the speed of the rotation of the earth. It has used the referral point of 0-degree longitude to measure the length of the solar day.

Discussion on International Date Line 

IDL or the International Date Line is considered as the demarcation which is accepted by international countries on the surface of the earth. The International Date Line is considered as the boundary line between two calendar days and runs between the North Pole and South Pole.  It has been following a longitude of 180 degrees in between the Pacific Ocean.  If someone crosses the international dateline and goes west, the date has been increased by 24 hours or one day. The International Date Line is considered as the imaginary line in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that helps to determine the new calendar year. The main function of the International Date Line is to maintain and adjust the arrangements of the date system worldwide. 

Discussion on Universal time

Universal time is considered as the solar time that helps to reflect and estimate the average speed of the rotation of the earth. It has been using the referral point as the longitude of 0 degrees and helps to measure the whole length up to the solar day.  The length of the solar day is considered as the time that is one solar noon to another solar noon. The one solar day is the time when the earth has been completing its full rotation around the sun. The earth is rotating on its axis around the sun and the time at which the earth is taken to rotate the sun is known as the solar time. Universal time is the concept where the estimation of the rotation speed of the earth around the sun can be done. The accuracy of the solar time can be estimated with the help of the stars. Various modern technologies help to estimate the universal time accurately with the help of some machines. The Very Long Base Interferometer (VLBI) is considered the latest technology that is used to measure universal time. 

Application of International Date Line

International Date Line or dateline is the internationally accepted phenomenon that helps to define the boundary line between the two calendar days. It helps the travelers to understand the direction and time and helps to make the required adjustment.  It helps to set the calendar dates for travelers in any place of the world. The traveler who is moving to the east can set the date of the calendar back one day. The traveler who is moving towards the west according to the line can have set their calendar day as one day ahead.  The International Date Line or date line has a vital effect on the time zone around the whole world.  It has been affecting the time of the countries which are on the west side of the dateline or international dateline. The countries which are situated in the western diet of the International Date Line have their time zone which is 10-12 hours forward than Greenwich. The countries that are situated on the east side of the date-time or international date-time have the lesser time arrangement. Countries that are eastern side of the international date time are showing 9-12 hours less than the anxiety Greenwich.

Application of Universal Time

The universal time helps to detect the solar time of the 0-degree longitude of Greenwich and adjust the time with other countries of the world. Universal time helps to differentiate time between atomic time and solar time. Atomic time can be considered as the time which is measured from the atomic clock. The solar time is considered from the astronomical measurement which can be derived from the rotation of the earth on the axis of it around the sun. It helps to understand the time that is consumed by the earth to rotate on its axis around the sun. It has the potential to estimate the solar time of the planet earth around the sun.


The main concern of the study is to understand the various aspects of solar time, universal time and the international date time. The concept of universal time has been briefly understood with the help of the present study. The brief concept of the international date-time or date-time gas has been clearly understood here with help of the present study. The present study helps to understand the importance of universal time to know its application in real life. The importance of international date-time he’s been understood with the help of the present study.

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