The Earth: Shape and Size-Atmospheric Pressure

 The Earth: Shape and Size-Atmospheric Pressure

“The Earth: Shape and Size-Atmospheric Pressure” is the whole subjective concept that brings the key atmospheric pressures that are being pulled by gravitational force.

“Earth’s Atmospheric Pressure” , defined as the air around the earth, has a weight which creates a pressure on Earth. This pressure is called atmospheric pressure or the Air pressure which creates  a lot of forces applied on a surface by air. It acts as the gravity that actually pulls the Earth. Atmospheric Pressure is measured by the instrument named the Barometer. It has been seen that a Barometer is a glass tube which consists of mercury and with the change of Atmospheric change it goes up and down. 

“Physical Geography” and its role 

“Physical Geography” can be described as one of the branches of study which actually helps in operating the shape of the Earth and its surface. It also speaks about the animals, plants and human body that are inhabitant of earth and their geographical and Structural existence on Earth. However, it has been seen that this branch of Geography surrounds and encircles the tradition that is related to the Earth and is known as “Earth Science Edition”. The main role is that through this branch of Geography the geographer learns about the landscape, climate of Earth. 

However, it has been seen that “Physical Geography” consists of many parts such as “Mathematical Geography”. Through this it talks about the shape, size of the Earth. On the other hand, Geomorphology speaks about the brief and broad description about the originality and how the evolution of Plateau Mountain happened on Earth. There is a branch named Climatology which describes climate changes and their influence on the natural environment.  It is very important for studying “Physical Geography” by Geographers because it gives the extended opportunity for learning about the 4 most important parts of Earth: the Lithosphere, Biosphere Atmosphere and Hydrosphere. Although not only that it also says how it influences humans, plants and animals. On the other hand while studying about the subject the person gets to know and analyze the originality of Land, mountains and desserts. Most importantly, it gives detailed information about how the living beings such as the human body are making adjustments with Nature. 

Importance of “Atmospheric Pressure” on Earth

The importance is that it is an indicator of weather and it measures low pressure that makes movement leading to cloudiness and wind. On the other hand, High Pressure gives an indication of calm and clear weather. The shape has an invaried meaning and has widely existed across the global world and are typically there to play the key intriguing role on the whole existential formations. The atmospheric pressure has strongly been suspected through the leading indicator that is firmly established by the pressure and the intensity of the wind that are there. There is a huge role of “Atmospheric Pressure” in daily life is that variety in pressure is very much responsible for Changes happening in weather.  These changes in pressure actually give flow of wind on Earth. It has even been observed that Blood pressure in the body is affected by atmospheric force. The force exchange of the surrounding atmosphere actually leads to different altitudes.  The pressure that is greatest at sea level actually decreases height and if height is low then the force of air increases. The force actually creates a lot of airdrops on earth which includes the change of altitude in the environment. That’s why the mountain has less altitude than Land and slopes. 

Effect of “Atmospheric Pressure” on climate 

Changes in the air pressure give a big effect on Earth as air always controls the circulation and spreading of the atmosphere in the whole Earth. This circulation actually influences the formation of rainfall, temperature fluctuation and winds and many other things on Earth. However, there is a Barometric Pressure that measures the weight of Earth’s Atmosphere. The Barometric Pressure increases as the level of altitude decreases. On the contrary, the fluctuation of pressure is based on the elevation, pattern of movement of air and climatic Temperature. Barometric pressure is measured between 1atm and 0.986923 atms and around between 101,325 Pa and 100,000 Pa. The most important impact of pressure is that it has a huge role in oxygen level as it says that breathing at higher altitudes has resulted in low pressure. In the area which has high sea level because of the gravity force on earth.


Earth is one of the planets that have human life, plants and animals in it and it has water and mountains too. Earth Atmospheric pressure is equally needed for maintaining human life and climatic changes on earth. Through Physical Geography the broad idea about nature and its connection with earth has been seen.