Static Electricity

Static Electricity

This article covers all the principal aspects of static electricity with its applications and hazards, plus the relevant examples to get a thorough grasp of the topic.

We overlook the wonders of electricity; how houses, offices and factories had been lit up in this smooth and handy manner. Static electricity is an essential part of nature and one of the most widely used forms of energy. Many towns and villages were built next to waterfalls (the main source of mechanical power) that turned the water mills to work. Before electricity began more than 100 years ago, homes were lit with kerosene lamps, food was cooled in refrigerators and heated with wood or coal stoves.       

What is Static Electricity:

Static Electricity Definition:   When two objects rub against each other to generate static electricity, one object gives up electrons to become positively charged and the other collects electrons to become negatively charged. This is because this can cause electrons to move from the former to the latter, causing a charge imbalance after the material is separated. One common example of this is shuffling your feet on a carpet, especially when the humidity is low. Lower the conductivity and improve the effect. 

If two objects are rubbed together to make static electricity, one object refuses to reject the electrons and the other substance collects electrons and charges a more negative charge. Because one material is not relevant because it is not relevant, the other has many vacancies in the outer electron bark, so that the former is first moved to the last and then the charge imbalance after separation of the material. This is important, but it does not rub the fact that we contact two different substances. Stick two things, to contact them vigour and lead them again. This is to generate electrostatic electricity through phenomena known as Triboelectricity (or Triboelectric Effect). This will be mixed by the bridge through the carpet. In particular, the humidity level is low and the air is less conductive and increases the effect.

Applications of Static Electricity:

One way to generate useful static electricity is through mechanical stress. In piezoelectric materials, electrons can literally be pushed out of place and forced to move out of the energised area. As a result, the voltage due to the charge imbalance can be used to do the job. One application is energy harvesting, where energy generated by environmental vibrations can run low-power devices.

The factory uses static electricity to reduce pollution from the chimney. They charge the smoke. On the contrary, most smoke particles attach to the electrode as it passes through the charged electrode. This prevents pollutants from entering the atmospheric area.

Some people buy air ionisers to freshen and purify the air in their homes. They work on a similar principle to chimney sweep protection. These devices remove electrons from smoke molecules, dust particles and pollen in the air, similar to the generation of static electricity. These charged dust and smoke particles are attracted to and adhere to the plate of the device with the opposite charge. After a while, most of the pollution is released from the atmosphere. Charged particles also attach to the neutral surface, which can attach to the walls near the ioniser, making them very dirty and difficult to clean.

Static Electricity Generator:

You can use an electrostatic generator to generate static electricity. It converts friction into electricity and generates static electricity. 

There are two methods used to generate static charges –

 Triboelectric effect: When two objects are close to each other and the charge moves between them due to friction, it is called the triboelectric effect. 

Electrostatic induction: This is the process of redistributing charges to the surface of an object by nearby charges or electrostatic fields.


Of course, static electricity also has its drawbacks. It can cause sparks and explosions in tank farms and drifting static electricity is really annoying when dealing with electronic components. That’s why engineers and chemists have developed all sorts of antistatic technologies (from simple wires to sophisticated, slightly conductive paints and coatings) that prevent the buildup of static electricity in sensitive areas.

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