Simple Present

Simple Present

Simple Present can be considered as the use of a verb in order to describe something that is continuous in the present.

The Simple Present tense is used to “express the habits”, “truths that are in general”, “actions that are repetitive” or “not changing situations”, “wishes”, “emotions” and so on.

About simple present tense

“Simple Present Tense” is a type of tense among the other forms of present tense in the English language. It is typically used for describing “habits”, “unchanging situations”, “general truths” along with the “fixed arrangements”. This form of tense is easier to make. The base form of the verb is required to be used i.e., I take, you take, we take, they take and so on. Here the “third person singular” carries as “s” in the end i.e he makes, she makes and so on.

Apply of Simple present tense

The Simple Present tense is used to “express the habits”, “truths that are in general”, “actions that are repetitive” or “not changing situations”, “wishes”, “emotions” and so on.

I smoke (habit)

I work in Japan (Un-changing situation)

Sun rises from the East (general truth)

While giving instructions or directions: You walk for 300 meters and  then turn right.

In order to express fixed arrangements, present or future: Your test starts at 10:00 am.

While describing future time, after conjunctions: after, when, before, as soon as, until: She will give it to you when you will meet her next Sunday.

It is important to be careful about simple presents that cannot be used to explain any continuously happening action. 

Different kinds of applications  

[While explaining Habits]:

She drinks milk at lunch.

He only eats chicken.

They catch fish regularly.

[For repetitive actions or events]:

We catch the train every evening.

It rains every morning in the hot season.

They drive to Ibiza every summer.

[For truths that are general]:

Water freezes at zero degrees.

The Moon revolves around the Earth.

Her father is peruvian.

[For instructions or directions]:

Open the box and take out the eggs

Catch the 2nd train to Watney and 5th training to Bedford.

[For fixed arrangements]:

Her brother arrives tomorrow.

Our festival starts on 18th April.

[With future Constructions]:

He’ll meet you before he leaves

We’ll pass it to him when he comes back.

Interrogative form of the Simple Present

English can be considered as one of those languages where sentences can be made by adding only a word. Along with that while researching it is required to practice as much as possible in order to remember for application in the construction of a sentence.

While using questions such as “where, when, what etc., words such as do or does goes after these words.

For example:

  • Where do you live ?
  • What does She do?
  • When do you leave?
  • Why do they arrive so late?
  • Where do you go to play?

Importance of Simple present tense

Simple Present Tense has the ability to define the actions which happen on a regular basis. Therefore, the things that are done repeatedly such as every day, every week and every month can be pointed by simple present tense. This includes routines along with the habits and the things that are currently and generally true as always. 

This form of verbs and tenses are also used to describe the feelings and emotions along with the senses. These are also used for describing the states of being of different people along with things in the English language.


Simple Present Tense is to describe any continuous activity that takes place on a regular basis. It is important to express the state of being of a person or an object. To describe a fact we can use simple present tense. One should follow the grammatical rules for verbal conjugation in order to write and speak correctly using simple present tense. 

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