Sentence Correction

Sentence Correction

Sentence correction refers to the process that enables the formation of a sentence with the proper order of words that makes complete sense.

Assembling the words in correct manners that prove a complete sense is known as a sentence but the process of rearranging the words to get a complete sense is considered as sentence correction. The proper sequence of a word is very important to get the right meaning of any sentence with proper grammar rules.

How to do the sentence correction exercises?

The sentence correction exercise can be done by using the different grammatical rules according to the meanings of the sentences. The first rule is to check that a sentence has no grammatical errors. The second one is the correct structure of a sentence, and the third one is considered as a direction error. Moreover, the last one is no change in the meaning of a sentence that it intends to. The use of proper punctuation marks in the right place is also very important to do the sentence correction exercises properly. Moreover, a good knowledge of the punctuation marks provides a better understanding of the intended meaning of the sentence and makes the sentence correction beautiful. In order to do the correction exercises the initial grammar skill that is needed is an effective knowledge of “part of speech”. Moreover, the knowledge of tense is a must know for doing the correction exercises properly. The right place of punctuation marks provides the intention of the sentence. Different punctuation marks show whether the sentence is a possessive sentence or questions or exclamatory sentence and so on. The sentence correction exercises allow improving the speaking, writing and comprehension skills of literature. 

Some examples of sentence correction exercises with answers

For the correction of the sentences, the grammatical rules must be followed strictly and must not change the intended meaning of the sentence. Here are some examples of sentence correction with their corrected answers. 

For an example, 

Q1. “She went to school despite of her illness” and the answer is “she went to school despite her illness”. 

Q2. “Ramu, who he is my friend, is a singer.” The answer is “Ramu, who is my friend, is a singer.” 

Q3. “No matter what that he do, he can’t make her happy.” The answer to the question is “No matter what he does, he can’t make her happy.” 

Q4. “He is busy at the work and won’t be home before 12:30” and the answer is “He is busy at work and won’t be home before 12:30.” 

Q5. “They have decided to quit their job a week ago.” and the answer is “They decided to quit their job a week ago.” 

Q6. “He should complain of if he is not happy with the service he receive.” The answer is “He should complain if he is not happy with the service he receives.” 

How to fix sentence corrections

Fixing the sentences can be done by spotting the corrections or errors in the sentence. The error can be grammatical errors or punctuational errors. It also can be the change in the intended meaning of the sentence. In order to fix the sentence errors, first focus on the “Subject-verb agreement”, the verb must be according to the subject and both subject and vary may be either singular or plural. Moreover, check repeated words that change the meaning of sentences. The error in the modifier is also an important aspect to spot in the sentence, the wrong modifier changes the intended meaning of the sentence. Spotting errors in the sentence it is important to check the parallelism structure of the sentences. Therefore, it directly relates to the structure of the sentences, it means the different words that are used in the same sentence must perform the same function according to the format of the sentence. Another error that needs to fix the sentence is the error in the diction, to get a proper sentence construction. The diction error refers to the error of the word choices that can create a wrong sentence construction.


The process of fixing a sentence is called sentence correction. It is of utmost importance to learn to write correctly to avoid any miscommunication or misinterpretation of a written or spoken word. It also shows the average literacy skill of a person to use basic sentence construction properly. 

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