

A noun is one of the primary parts of speech without which a sentence construction remains incomplete. The subject of a statement is mostly a noun. Gather more information from this content.

An individual, a location, an object, or a concept is referred to by a noun. They play a variety of functions in sentences, including topics, primary objects, as well as secondary objects. Therefore, nouns are one of the most important among all parts of speech. Without nouns, a statement cannot be completed. Nouns can be categorised into different types such as “proper nouns”, “material nouns”, “common nouns”, “abstract nouns”, “collective nouns”, “countable”, and “uncountable nouns”. These are essential in constructing a meaningful statement. The foregoing sections would describe the definition of each part of the noun along with an example. Moreover, the important rules have also been described in the following sections. 

What is a noun?

A noun is a term that states the name of an individual, location, things, or concepts. Every item we could see and discuss has a name attached to it. A Noun seems to be a term that has the function of “naming” something. A noun is something that we can describe.

Types of nouns
Common Noun

A common noun is a broad term to refer to a person, place, animal, or thing, a name that is given collectively to the same group of things. It is the most used category of nouns. A common noun begins with a capital letter only if it appears at the beginning of a sentence.

Proper Noun

Proper Noun is the absolute antithesis of Common Noun. A proper noun is a term given to a specific person, location, or object. A proper noun always starts with a capital letter, regardless of where it is appearing in the sentence.

Collective Noun

Collective nouns are used to name a group or collection of comparable persons. A collective noun is a term that is used to describe a collection of people, animals, or objects.

Abstract Noun

Abstract Noun is the term given to a trait, activity, idea, notion, emotion, or sensation. Something that could not be seen, tasted, heard, or touched.

Material Noun

The term assigned to a materialistic, component, or entity thought up of anything is called a material noun. Material nouns are not normally quantifiable, which implies they cannot be counted since they come in fluid, semi-liquid, or hard states.

Countable Noun

A countable noun is a word that identifies quantifiable items and it can be singular or plural. Quantifiable nouns are words that could be changed by numbers.

Uncountable Noun

Uncountable nouns refer to things that cannot be counted. The plural version is still not possible. Because we cannot quantify uncountable nouns, they are sometimes termed bulk nouns.

Examples of nouns
Common noun

They are planning to watch a movie. 

Here in the above example, we are not talking about a specific movie. Therefore, a movie is a common noun in the above sentence. 

Proper noun

They are planning to watch the Titanic movie next Sunday.

In the above sentence, we are talking about a specific movie named Titanic. Therefore, Titanic is a proper noun in the above sentence. 

Collective Noun

A herd of cattle.

In the above sentence, we are talking about a group of something. The herd is the collective noun in this sentence. 

Abstract Noun

The boy has great strength. 

Here, strength is stating the power of a boy. Therefore, it is an abstract noun. 

Material Noun

My father gave me a silver coin on my birthday. 

In the above sentence, silver is the material noun as it describes the name of a material thing. 

Countable Noun

There are nine planets in the solar system. 

Here, planets are a plural noun and it is countable. 

Uncountable Noun

Would you like to have some coffee?

Here, coffee is a noun that cannot be counted. 

Important rules for nouns

Rule 1

Wrong: Her trouser is clean.

Right: Her trousers are clean.

Some nouns can only be employed in plural form. Such nouns are also usually accompanied by a Plural Verb. These nouns that follow are often in Plural quantity as well as require a Plural verb: Spectacles, scissors, pincers, tongs, etc. 

Rule 2

Wrong: Economics are not an easy paper.

Right:  Economics is not an easy paper.

There are certain types of nouns that appear to be Plural but seem to be essentially Singular and therefore accept Singular verbs. Mathematics, politics, and news are examples of such terms.

Rule 3

Wrong: We visited there years after years until the children grew up.  

Right: We visited there year after year until the children grew up.

In a sentence, if “Noun + Preposition + the same noun” is given, then this noun will be in a singular form. We will not take plural forms of them. 


Nouns, the naming words,  are one of the most important parts of speech in English grammar. A sentence cannot be formed without a noun. There are different types of nouns that exist in English grammar such as “proper nouns”, “material nouns”, “common nouns”, “abstract nouns”, “collective nouns”, “countable”, and “uncountable nouns”. Examples of each noun should be kept in mind to help learners to gain knowledge regarding this topic. 

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