Miscellaneous-Congress Session

Miscellaneous-Congress Session

The first Congress session was held in Bombay and Lord Dufferin was the Viceroy of India. It was held in 1885. A detailed description of the various Congress sessions is given in this section.

The Indian National Congress (INC) was founded as the first political party in India and dominated the Indian freedom movement against Britain. Considering the history of this political party, the founding years majorly dominated the years of 1885-1900, the pre-independence era typically saw the most of the INC sessions to strengthen the political movement for independence. 54 sessions were held under British-ruled India. From 1947to 1990, 23 INC sessions were organised across various parts of India. In the post-liberalization period from 1990-to 2019, 16 sessions were held across India.

First Congress session: Overview and facts

The first session of the Indian National Congress was organised in 1885 by the founders of the INC. A.O.Hume along with DadabhaiNaoroji, and Wacha were the main founders of INC. The first session was held in Bombay. The viceroy of India was Lord Dufferin during the occurrence of the first Congress session. Dr. Umesh ChandraBanerjee was the first president of INC. Moreover, Umesh Chandra Banerjee was the president of this session. It is a noticeable fact that 72 delegates were present in this session. The purpose of this session was to promote the concept of INC on the mindset of the Indians. Three resolutions were taken in the first session of the Indian National Congress, which are “Swaraj”, “National education”, and “Boycott”.

Congress-session in the pre-independent era

The congress sessions were held each and every year in the pre-independent era. The first session was held in 1885, the second session was held in 1886, the third session was held in 1887, and so on.  54 total congress sessions were held in the pre-independent era. The last session in this era was held on 23 November 1946. The venue was Meerut. In this Congress Session J.B Kriplani was the president. A detailed description of the important congress session in this era is discussed below.

Congress Session in Independent era

The calendar of INC, 1947-1990 was considered as the post-independent era. It has been observed that in this era, a total of 23 congress sessions were held. The first session was the 55th Congress session. The 55th session of INC was held in 1948. It was held on 22 December in Jaipur. It was the first session after independence. Therefore, a huge number of delegates were present in this session. The popularity of the Indian National Congress was at its peak. B. PattabhiSitaramayya was the president in this session. The next session was held in 1950. It was held in Nasik on September 21. Purushottam Das Tandon was the president at that time. The last session in this era was held in 1985 in Bombay. It was the 100th foundation anniversary of the Indian National Congress. The last session in the post-independent era was held on 28th December, in 1985. Rajiv Gandhi was the president of this congress session.


Based on the above discussion it is possible to make a conclusion that the sessions of INC play a huge role in the administrative and social reformation in India. In the pre-independent era, the sessions were held in order to make a strategic revolution against the British Government. Moreover, the detailed discussion on the first sessions of INC is very crucial from the SSC exams perspective. The name of the president in each session and the name of the governor-general needs to be remembered from the exam point of view.

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