

Inventions are new devices, experiments or studies done by inventors to make our work easier and more efficient. It could be anything from a process to do a task more efficiently to an actual working machine

So, you must think that physicists are responsible for all the inventions we have, but that’s not the case. An engineer is the one that invents it based on a physicist’s work. It’s the physicist’s job to conduct experiments and observations. Engineers’ job is to analyze the experiments and observations to invent the machine or the idea.

What are Inventions

Inventions are the latest forms of technology made to make the work easy and more efficient by coming up with a process or by making a machine do it efficiently for us. Sometimes an invention is also referred to as “technical teaching”.  

Inventions Definition-

The true definition of invention is the process of bringing ideas or devices together with help of experiments and observations and creating something brand new which will ease the current ways of doing things.

From the prehistoric days till this very day, human minds have been behind innovating things and making the best of resources we have, this is one of the biggest reasons we, as human beings, have become so much more advanced than other living creatures. It’s the ability to ask questions and constantly think of ideas to make our work done easier. Inventors are nothing but extreme observations that experiment and record their observations in real-world scenarios. As the resources increase, the rate of inventions also increases drastically. In fields like data mining and nanotechnology, the inventions are considered to be at a “1+1=3” pace, and this pace is just going to increase exponentially in the coming years and decades.

1) Wheel

Humans, before the invention of the wheel, were limited to one area and had to depend on their manpower to transport anything from one place to another. The invention of the wheel was a groundbreaking discovery for means of transport and transportation of goods while saving a lot of energy and time. The invention of wheel-and-axle has shaped our presents. From small bicycles to huge airplanes, all rely on this wheel-and-axle invention.

2) Fire

The fire was one of the most important and valuable inventions for human beings. It had multiple benefits like protecting early man from wild animals as well as cooking their fresh hunt to make it tastier, healthier and safe to consume. It also kept them warm on cold nights and also saved them from wild animals.

3) Compass

The first-ever compass was invented by the Chinese and it was used in the 2nd-century B.C.before this, travelers had to use the stars to navigate around which was not the most reliable source of navigation. Compass helped the travelers explore new foreign lands by being a secure and trustable source of navigation.

4) Printing press

Before the invention of the printing press, the books would have to be written manually each time to make copies. With the invention of the printing press, the rate of printing books increased exponentially and the rate of each book also decreased. The availability of books also increased which helped in the education industry

5) Internal combustion engine

In an internal combustion engine, the fuel is combusted releasing a high-temperature gas that expands pushing the piston, which in turn pushes the vehicle forward. The internal combustion engine is used in numerous machines from small cars or bikes to massive aircraft.

6) Telephone

Alexander Bell was the inventor of the telephone. The invention of telephones bought the world closer. It made it possible to communicate with anyone across the globe in real-time. It saved days and days from the conventional methods of letters and helped in more coverage of news.

7) Light bulb

The invention of the light bulb was groundbreaking as it helped us overcome our dependence on the natural source of light and helped us become productive even at night. People would be forced to go to bed with the sunset but after the invention of the light bulb, people’s sleeping habits changed and they were no longer forced or limited to working for only a few limited morning hours.


An invention will not be yours until you patent it. Patenting an invention will give you the full and exclusive rights to it. You can even sell your patent to any company that would be interested in buying your idea, process or machine

Requirement for patentability-

Okay what if you come up with an invention, how are you going to stop others from copying it and sealing it for yourself? There are three requirements for patentability of an-

1) New invention

As the name suggests, it should be a brand new invention and prior to this it should not be available anywhere in the world. Also, it’s a must that you keep your invention a secret to be able to patent it.

2) Innovative invention

The invention should be revolutionary and innovative. It must make the work easier and more efficient and if a skilled person in that art comes up with the same solution as you, it would not pass as an innovative invention.

3)  Applicable in the industry

It must be applicable and useful for industrial use. It should be practical and achievable by industrial standards.


Inventions are a major credit to how far humans have come compared to other living organisms. It has made us more productive and efficient with time. Now, we don’t have constraints of sunlight or distance. Inventions have made the world a small place with endless possibilities.

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