First World War July 28,1914 November 11,1918

First World War: July 28,1914 – November 11,1918

The First World war (1914) is an international conflict where most European nations including Russia, the Middle East, the United States, and other regions were involved.

The First World War, also known as World War I is one of the watersheds in the geographical history of the 20th century where most European countries, especially Russia and the United States were involved. The involved countries were separated and created two groups, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Turkey. Whereas, in the other group Italy, Russia, Japan, the USA, Britain, France all were involved and 8.5 million soldiers were wounded as a result of the First World war. Consensus on the main origins of the First World war remains elusive since all historians disagree on all key factors as well as place contradictory emphasis over a diversity of aspects. That is combined particularly as per classification the historical archives convert available perspectives as well as ideologies of all historians that have changed.

First World war: Overview

The First World war drew most European powers in that particular time along with the overseas colonies. All the countries who were involved in this war were also separated into two groups like the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. The Central Powers were made up of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Turkey. On the other hand, the Allies included Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Japan, and the USA (United States of America). The First World war clashed along the two main fronts or lines. Western Front had been included, which ran from the state of Belgium, through Switzerland to France, and also the Eastern front that ran from the Black Sea to the Baltic. There was sporadic fighting also in the Middle East as well as along the border that was between Austria and Italy.

The aspect that made the First World war diverse was all the fact which was fought since the parallel lines that trench disconnected from only a rapid stretch of the ground that was known as “no man’s land”. Trench warfare also was necessary where the power, the speed, and also the accuracy of weapons that were used on both sides made all the open battles impossible. When the soldiers left the channels that launched all attacks, often a few metres from the ground, that gain as well as the cost of victims was enormous. 

Cause of First World war

While the trigger aimed at the First World War remained seen the assassination of a great man Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. In August 1914, Britain declared war on Germany. France and Britain waged the war against Germany in the state of Europe as well as in Africa. Then Britain called for help from their Imperial troops. Indian soldiers from the British Indian Army had arrived in Europe in September 1914. The first Indian troops arrived on 26 September 1914 in Marseilles. They came from Lahore as well as Meerut Divisions besides the Secunderabad Cavalry. In October, the Indian troops were engaged in some of the fiercest fighting at the place of Ypres. In March 1915, the Indian troops also provided a half attacking force in the Battle of Neuve Chapelle. 

Consequences of the First World war

  • Nearly 1 crore civilians were killed
  • Famine and unemployment
  • In Germany Rule of the King was ended and a new republic government had come into power on November 1918
  • The Russian empire had fallen after this war 
  • The United States of America became a huge power
  • After this World war, Japan became a powerful country in Asia
  • A new boundary line had appeared between Turkey, Austria, and Germany
  • Reinforced independence moves have shown in both Africa and Asia
  • German colonies also were shared
  • Monarchy was eliminated in Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Germany, and Russia


The First World war (1914) is an international conflict where most European nations including Russia, the Middle East, the United States, and other regions were involved. The First World war drew most European powers in that particular time along with the overseas colonies. All the countries who were involved in this war were also separated into two groups like the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. The First World War remained seen the assassination of a great man Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. In August 1914, Britain declared war on Germany. As a result, the United States of America became a huge power, a new boundary line had appeared between Turkey, Austria, and Germany and after this World war, Japan became a powerful country in Asia.

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