Current Electricity

Current Electricity

This article covers all the principal aspects of current electricity with its types, methods of generation and conventions, plus the relevant examples to get a thorough grasp of the topic.

Many inventions and discoveries have been made to make human life easier. The discovery of current electricity is one of those discoveries on which we depend so much to make life easier. Benjamin Franklin is widely known for discovering electricity for us.

In the early days, humans cooked and heated their houses with the use of timber or coal stoves and lit their rooms with candles or oil lamps; there had been nothing like radios or TVs, an awful lot much less mobile phones or computers and now electricity has revolutionised our world.

What is Current Electricity:

Current Electricity Definition: Current electricity is developed when electrical entities(specifical electrons) move through a conducting material. The so developed external force that triggers an electric current to flow by electrons is called electromotive force (EMF) or voltage.

EMF is created in a battery with a positively charged terminal and a negatively charged terminal, where the latter has an extra abundance of electrons and the positive terminal lacks electrons. When a load or any bulb is connected to the two battery terminals, a movement of electrons is created that creates a magnetic field and an electric field. Since the positive pole of the battery has no electrons, it pulls electrons towards it from the conductor. There are too many free electrons at the negative terminal, pushing them into the medium.

Circuit:  A circuit is required for current to flow. That is, it is a closed, endless loop of conductive material. Circuits can be as simple as wires butt against each other, but useful circuits usually have a mix of wires and other components that control the flow of electricity. The only rule in chain manufacturing is that there should be no insulation gaps. 

If we have a copper wire and we want to conduct electricity, all the free electrons must flow somewhere in the same general direction. Copper is an ideal conductor for the flow of electric charges. When the copper wire circuit breaks, no charge can flow through the air, which also prevents the charge from moving to the centre.

On the other hand, if a wire is end-to-end, all electrons have adjacent atoms and all can flow in the same general direction.

Types of Current Electricity:

Both alternating current and direct current describe the type of current flowing in a circuit. In direct current (DC),  electric charges (current) only flow in one direction. On the other hand, the charge in alternating current (AC) changes direction periodically. The voltage in an AC circuit is periodically reversed when the current changes direction.

Generation of Current Electricity:

Current  can be obtained in the following way: 

 Moving a metal wire through a magnetic field (AC and DC currents can be obtained using the following method) 

 Using a battery through a chemical reaction (this method can be used to obtain a constant current)

The conventional flow of current:

Conventional contemporary go with the drift is the go with the drift of contemporary from the wonderful terminal to the terrible terminal of an outside supply like a battery. Here, the path of an electron is simply contrary to the path of the contemporary because it flows out of the terrible terminal and moves closer to the wonderful terminal of the battery. 

 So, the traditional contemporary go with the drift is contrary to the electron go with the drift while the go with the drift of wonderful expenses is withinside the path of an electric-powered contemporary.


Apart from the flow of electric charge by lightning being not constant, we see many devices in our daily life in which electric charge flows stably, like the flowing water of a river. Flashlights and battery-powered watches are examples of such devices. Thereby, current electricity has found a wide array of applications in the world around us.

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