Association of Places

Association of Places

There are so many places that are associated with world history and clearly depict the structure of those places.

Based on different periods, there are so many historical places, which are involved or associated with world history. In order to discuss all the associations of historical places that are involved in world history, they are divided into some particular parts, such as western parts that are famous for historical wars, and eastern parts that are famous for historical wars. All the places that are associated with western historical parts and eastern historical parts have been discussed in this assignment. All the historical places that are famous and important for some historical reason have also been discussed in this assignment. 

Association of western historical places

Western historical places that are involved in historical wars, or associated with some historical involvements, belong to North America, South America, Africa, and Europe. After world war 1, the historical places have been affected by the disastrous condition while the places conserved or restructured in the western countries with more focus. The central powers of the first world war were Germany, Austria- Hungary, Ottoman empire and Bulgaria, which centralized the power in central Europe, the part of western countries. During the second world war, most of the countries that had taken part, belonged to the eastern and western parts of the world.      Eastern countries associated with World War 1 were the Russian front and also included the Romanian power, which developed the Allied and Associated Powers. The British emperors have built their historical monuments that represent their overall image of that time. Many historical places, represented the war as war memorials with the war representations as well as the damages of the war, which showed the disasters caused by WW1. The representation of war can be seen in the memorials as well as the damaged monuments, which are considered a historical representation of WWI. All these historical places of the world of many periods represent the significance, importance, and clear knowledge about the wars, or about the emperors.  

Association of eastern historical places

Eastern historical places that are involved in historical wars, or associated with some historical events, belong to Asia and Australia. During World War 1, the parties or countries which have won the war belonged to the eastern part of the world. Such as Russia, France, and Japan. These historical places are very important for showing the results of the world war. In the time of the Second World War, there were also so many places that belonged to the eastern part. The most affected country during the Second World War was Japan.  In Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were attacked by nuclear bombs during the Second World War. Due to that war and bombing the places remains affected till now. Besides these, India is an important historical place that belongs to the eastern part of the world. According to history, India has so much significance and importance in history. In the Mughal era, there were so many places that were built by them. Based on the emperors there are so many monuments that have been made in India, which have their own significance and importance. The famous battle of Panipat, which is located in India, took place in 1526.  Two wars have taken place in Panipat between the Mughal emperor and the Lodi dynasty and Hemu respectively. During the First World War, several Indians were killed in Jallianwala Bagh, located in Punjab, India. These historical places show the significance of the wars, or battles which have fought against independence. 

Importance of the places

All the places that are connected to history have their own significance or importance. These historical places represent so many bigger and bloodier wars that have taken place so many years ago. These historical places connect today’s people with history so that they can easily be aware of the history. These historical places are also famous for showing their emperor’s overall journey, which has been engraved in their monuments or in tombs.      The historical places and their association with historical events show the possible revolution of the society from the ancient era to modern society. The association of places such as monuments, tombs, and memorials has helped in the understanding of history and developing the knowledge about their implications. These historical places represent their cultures, social awareness, behaviors, clothes, foods, useful items, and many more. These historical places are very important for studying and learning about the history or the past. In addition to this, the association of the places with history also helps in the understanding of present situations and possible decision-making for growth and development. Nonetheless, the association with history and place can help in tourism, resulting in economic development and growth. They assist in giving information on the location’s entertainment and educational value. Some historical monuments with inscriptions provide information about former languages and communication methods. Monuments provide the city a sense of permanence and heritage, as well as increasing its value to the country.  


Based on many historical wars, the places gained significance and became the representations of history and war-representative monuments. The application and understanding of historical contexts help in historical preservation for learning and development. A place’s heritage is what distinguishes it from other places, which can be determined from its association to historical events. Preserving locations allows us to reflect on the past while also planning for the future. Preserving places helps to preserve the culture of those who came before us. Preservation of cultural and historical sites has long-term benefits rather than instant rewards.

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