

The term antonym is defined as a word that has an opposite or contrasting meaning regarding another word and it delivers contrary meaning with respect to another word.

This report deals with the term antonyms and its various uses in literature as well as also depicts lexicography of the antonyms. In addition, the entire section of this report deals with different aspects of the antonyms in any language or literature. In order to define the term antonyms, various authentic as well as suitable examples are to be considered in this report. Furthermore, the lexicography of the term antonyms is also going to be discussed in order to develop the depth understanding regarding lexicography of the antonyms. Etymology of the antonyms generally states its origin, evolution, as well as deriving criteria of this word.  

Definition of antonyms with examples  

The term antonym is defined as a word or phrase that has an opposite or contrary meaning with another word in the literature or language. In addition, the term antonyms is derived from the word “anti”  that means “opposite” and “onym” means “name”. Furthermore, different examples of antonyms are 

Fail= Achieve, 
Arrogant= Humble
Group= Individual. 
Innocent= Guilty
Simple= Complicated, 
Single= Married. 
Shame= Honor
Flexible= Rigid, 
Tall= Dwarf. 

These all are the relevant examples of antonyms in order to develop a deep understanding about antonyms in any language or literature. Antonyms’ words provide an opposite meaning of another word that helps to understand both aspects of the particular word such as positive aspects as well as negative aspects in the language or literature.

Lexicography of the antonyms  

Lexicography term is used to understand the scientific investigation as well as examination of lexicon of the particular language such as its quantitative composition, social stratification as well as its historical development in the language or literature. This branch of linguistics supports investigating the lexicon of the word. Lexicography of antonyms means making or editing of a dictionary as well as practices of creating a dictionary. For example, the lexicographical order of any word such as terms like  “short “, “shorthand”, and “small”. In any particular dictionary short comes before the shorthand and shorthand comes before small. Furthermore, lexicography of any words is generally the arrangement of words in order to compile the words in dictionaries. In addition the term lexicography does not apply only for lingual basis, however it also includes the writing of a particular word in authentic as well as in concrete form. Lexicographical order includes its grammatical features, spelling, accent, etymology, sound and so on. Lexicography of the antonyms is the study of meanings of particular words, its different functions of particular vocabulary units of the particular language in dictionaries as well as its evolution for the purposes of the compilation of the dictionaries. 

What is the difference between synonyms and antonyms?

The term ‘synonym’ is mainly showcasing word, phrase, or morpheme. It has exactly the same meaning or nearly the same meaning in the literature. Furthermore, synonyms also define an idea which is closely related with the particular word in the same language. It also has the same application in that particular idea. Few examples to understand the term synonyms are such as start has synonyms begins, initiate, establish, found, create, go ahead, commence and so on. In addition, the next example is incentives that have synonyms motivation, encouragement, impulse, provocation and so on. On the other hand, the term antonyms are defined as a word or phrase that has an opposite, contrary, or reverse meaning regarding another word. For example, incentives have antonyms disincentives or deterrent in the literature. Furthermore, arrogant antonyms humble and brave antonyms cowardly as well as attack antonyms defend and so on.


The entire section depicts various aspects of the term antonyms such as its uses, properties, examples, as well as etymology and so on. In addition, it also emphasized on its evolution, origin of term antonyms as well as its literal meaning in the particular literature. Furthermore, this report also focuses on the lexicography of the term antonyms that ultimately give a brief idea regarding compilation of dictionaries in the United Kingdom. Etymology of the term also gave an effective sense regarding the particular antonyms of any words.

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