Ancient India-Harappa

Ancient India-Harappa

The assignment is based on the history of India; the slight history of India has been discussed in the assignment. In the Indus valley civilization, the people are well developed and live on the bank of the Indus River

The history of India starts in 7000 BC; the Indus valley civilization is based on the urban area. The houses in civilization are made from the baked bricks; flood in the region is one of the reasons for the end of the Indus valley civilization that has been found by the geological departments. The end of the valley civilization was in 600 BC. People in civilization have learned farming and they made different tools according to their needs. They have started to pet the animals.

Harappa civilization

Harappa civilization is also known as the Indus valley civilization, they are expert in the making of houses, cleaning towns and planning. The range of the Harappa civilization is the Indus River that is located in Pakistan. Along with this, the age of the Harappa civilization is 3000 BC to 1300 BC and the period age of the Indus civilization is south Asia and it is also known as the bronze age. Furthermore, the people of the Harappa civilization are experts in the water management system, in making the town and chambers that makes him incredible. The cities of the Harappa civilization are known as impressive and organised, which makes them far better in Indus civilization. The Harappa civilization peoples are also expert in making the draining system and plumber and expert in making the indoor toilet. The Indus valley civilization gave the first cities and towns to the world that made a great impact on the Harappan civilization. Together with this, in the Harappa civilization, they developed several things such as sculptures, jewellers, poetry from the stone and metals. Harappa civilization is known as a 4700 years old civilization that was discovered in 1920. In 1920 several cities are discovered such as Mohenjo-Daro,Kali began, and Dholavira all are known as Harappa civilization. 

Indus valley civilization

The history of India begins with the Indus valley civilization (IVC). There are two parts of the civilization pre-Vedic and Vedic periods. The eastern world is raising its civilization, the region is raising its civilization because they can access the river. The Mesopotamian and Egyptian Civilization are raising their civilization in the west part of India now, it is known as Pakistan. Indus valley civilization is the largest civilization among all three civilizations. In civilization, India has improved the agriculture sectors of the country. The fertile soil of the Indus valley allows farming on a large scale. IVC is also known as the bronze age of civilization because the people have started using bronze metal. 

The peoples in the IVC are artisans, farmers, and merchants. The big bath was found in the Mohenjo-Daro which shows that the people in IVC believe in ritual purification however there is no evidence of the temple. The city is governed by the local government; this shows that they follow the centralised government method in that civilization. The people of the IVC have developed the use of the wheel and carts that are drawn by the animals. They use irrigation techniques and canals for their farming. 

The popular towns in the Indus valley civilization are “Mohenjo Daro and Harappa.” These are the richest towns of civilization. The geological departments have found nine other towns in the Indus valley civilization; however these two are the most popular towns in the civilization. The geographical departments have found that the hoses of the Indus valley civilization are made from baked bricks and their houses are well-designed. The main gate of the house is on the opposite side of the main road only; the house in the Harappan towns has a gate on the side of the road. In 1300 BC the end of the Indus valley civilization was found by the geological departments of India. 

How was Harappa destroyed?

This civilization is destroyed by the cause of climatic changes. Along with this, Saraswati River is the main cause for the climatic changes, a great flood struck in this area. Major environmental change, such as deforestation, flooding or droughts due to a river changing course, could have had disastrous effects on Harappa society, such as crop failures, starvation, and disease. Together with this, the flood is the main cause of destroying this civilization. 


The assignment is based on the Indus valley civilization, the people of the civilization are developed, they have started to do farming and make their shelters and they use the canals for irrigation. They develop wheels and carts to make merchants of their products. There are no temples however they believe in Gods. IVC is the developed civilization among the other civilizations. The houses are strong and well- designed and the main gate of the house opens on the opposite side of the road.

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