

Adjectives make sentences more meaningful by describing the qualities of the nouns used in sentences. The types of adjectives must be appreciated by learners properly.

Knowing the qualities of things is extremely important in our day to day lives. Adjectives are used to present the qualities of a person or an object.

What are Adjectives?

Nouns are used in sentences to specify the object and subject of a sentence. However, merely knowing the nouns is not enough. There must be enormous qualities of those nouns. Adjectives are the words that determine the qualities of the nouns. Conversations with various people must be specific and innovative. Adjectives modify the words used in a sentence to present it in an organised way in front of the others. It makes conversation among people effective and understandable. Adjectives shed light on the unique nature or quality of a person. Adjectives can be negative or positive. Some examples of positive adjectives are nice, beautiful, fabulous, fantastic, etc. Some negative examples of adjectives are ugly, disappointing, ill-mannered, undisciplined. All these adjectives are used by people every day for making interesting and understandable conversations. Interactions among people will become extremely difficult if the adjectives are not used properly. Therefore, it is very important for surviving the everyday interactions with people. A person with a strong grasp of adjectives will always be able to make easy and delightful conversations without boring other people. Therefore, adjectives are important for making interactions with people.

Adjective Types

Different types of adjectives are used in everyday interactions of people. First, it is necessary to know the various types of adjectives for the appropriate application. Without having sufficient knowledge about the adjective types, a person can never be successful in making conversations. Some basic adjectives are descriptive, quantitative adjectives and interrogative adjectives. Descriptive adjectives are used for the accurate description of objects or people. Describing the qualities of suitable nouns and pronouns are important for modifying the sentences. Nouns and their pronouns are well-described by using suitable adjectives. For example, “Ria has a fast motorbike”. The word ‘fast’ describes the quality of the object. Numbers are an important part of the everyday lives of people. People need to count many things every day in their houses or jobs. Adjectives that are used for determining the quantifying description of nouns and pronouns are called quantitative adjectives. These types of adjectives help make an exact detail of information regarding things. For example, “Mina has ten strawberries”. The description of the strawberries in this sentence is done by numerical description. Numerical descriptions of things are required in daily lives in every section of life. One of the most basic adjective types is the interrogative adjective. Asking questions is a simple pattern of life. People make multiple interactions in a day and ask multiple questions. Therefore, interrogative adjectives are used for framing the right questions. The different examples of interrogative adjectives are what, where, who, which, and whose. Using these adjectives would answer various questions regarding the nouns and pronouns. This adjective type is used an enormous amount of times for framing meaningful questions. Thus, knowing the correct adjectives would help engage with people in interesting conversations. However, only knowing them is not enough. A person must know how to use them accurately.


Adjectives give a touch of the essence in the lives of the people. They describe the qualities of the nouns and pronouns in a sentence. There are basic adjectives depending on the tone, affirmative and negative, that we use in our daily lives. There are descriptive, interrogative and quantitative adjectives that we use in the English language. People should know some of the basic adjectives to make meaningful conversations.

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