Target SSC CGL | 10,000+ Questions | English Questions For SSC CGL : Day 34

Target SSC CGL | 10,000+ Questions | English Questions For SSC CGL : Day 34

Dear aspirants,

This is the new year with new goals, new experiences and lots of exams to be scheduled soon. SSC CGL has recently released the exam dates so now it is time to gear up your preparations and try hard to get success. SSCEGY never fails to deliver something new and fruitful for you all. This time also we are providing you the best study plan as well as a study material. We are here going to prepare your English section for the SSC CGL. In this article, we are providing you the details that how we are going to help you to clear the examination this year. We SSCEGY is going to provide you daily tests for all the subjects. The topic-wise quiz will be done from January till April. This will help you to get a deeper knowledge of all the topics and will prepare you thoroughly.

Directions (1-3): In these questions some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and indicate it corresponding to the appropriate letter. If there is no error, indicate corresponding to the last option

Q1. All writers on the subject of democracy have dwelt with the difficulty against which the aims and ideals of democracy have to contest.

(a) All writers on the subject of

(b) democracy have dwelt with the difficulty against

(c) which the aims and ideals of democracy have to contest.

(d) No Error

Q2. He will propose to his friends that they will join this company which may provide them with promising careers.

(a) He will propose to his friends that they will

(b) join this company which may provide

(c) them with promising careers.

(d) No Error

Q3. He is almost quite competent for the post of Manager, so when given a chance, he can lead the company to its goal.

(a) He is almost quite competent for the post of

(b) Manager, so when given a chance,

(c) he can lead the company to its goal.

(d) No Error

Directions (4-6): In the following questions the 1st and the last part of the sentence/passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence/ passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence/passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct.

Q4. 1. Six years old Prabodh aimed his toy gun at his sister while playing.

P. “You may aim at the pole, or at the wall or at the tree, where no one can get hurt.”

Q. Mother got up immediately saying, “No one shoots a human being” and calmly removed the gun from Prabodh.

R. Still Prabodh aimed his gun at the kid.

S. When his mother saw this she said, “No, Prabodh! Not at the baby!”

6. With such a firm action on his mother’s part, Prabodh realized where the gun should not be aimed.

(a) PRSQ

(b) QSPR

(c) SPRQ

(d) SQRP

Q5. 1. A man wearing dark sunglasses walked into the bank.

P. Then he shouted, “Give me all your money, all the money in this bank right now.”

Q. Everyone in the lobby screamed and started running.

R. He went up to the teller and held up a hand grenade for all to see.

S. Nervously the young female teller handed the man three big bags loaded with cash.

6. Holding the grenade in one hand and the bags in the other, he walked out of the building.

(a) PSRQ

(b) QSPR

(c) RPQS

(d) SRQP

Q6. 1. Martha taught English Literature.

P. She would involve them in role-plays.

Q. Her students were young learners.

R. This way the students found it easier to identify with the characters.

S. They fell into the age group of 14-16 years.

6. They looked forward to attending her classes.

(a) QSPR

(b) QPSR

(c) RSPQ

(d) SQRP

Directions (7-8): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

Q7. Vent one’s spleen

(a) To spread happiness

(b) To get angry with oneself

(c) To give one’s best to get the outcome

(d) To voice one’s anger

Q8. Red ink

(a) A euphemism for financial loss

(b) A warning or an alert

(c) Covered in bruises

(d) Covetousness

Directions (9-10): Out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence in the question.

Q9. Country under the protection of a more powerful country

(a) Protectorate

(b) Scrimmage

(c) Scurry

(d) Hireling

Q10. A line of animals or slaves fastened or driven along together

(a) Curmudgeon

(b) Coffle

(c) Cortege

(d) Patrilineal


S1. Ans.(b)

Sol. Replace ‘dwelt with’ by ‘dwelt on’ as the correct preposition used with ‘dwell’ is ‘on’.

Dwell on: to think or talk about something a lot all the time.

S2. Ans.(a)

Sol. Use ‘should’ in place of ‘will’.

The correct sentence structure is suggest/propose + to + somebody + that + subject + should + V₁ (1st form)

‘In this case, use of shall/will/can/could/may/might etc. is forbidden.

S3. Ans.(a)

Sol. Remove ‘almost’ before ‘quite’ as no adverb is advised to use before ‘quite’.

For e.g. very quite right ×, almost quite eight ×.

‘Quite’ itself being an adverb won’t take any adverb before it.




S7. Ans.(d)

S8. Ans.(a)

S9. Ans.(a)

S10. Ans.(b)

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