Survey on Depreciation Accounting

Survey on Depreciation Accounting

In this article, topics like surveys on depreciation accounting, its types and definition, record accounting depreciation in books and the significance of depreciation have been discussed.

The method through which a corporation spreads the cost of an asset over its useful life is known as depreciation. Because an asset loses fair value in the market over time, the cost is spread out over several years. Depreciation is the word used for tangible assets, while amortisation is used for intangibles.

The procedure of recording depreciation entries for a physical asset is known as accounting depreciation or book depreciation. It is reported as a non-cash item in the company’s accounts.

Recording Accounting Depreciation in Books

  • Depreciation Expense is debited and a contra asset account called Accumulated Depreciation or Allowance for Depreciation is credited in the adjusting entry to record depreciation. The usage of a counter asset account allows the fixed asset account’s original cost to remain unchanged.
  • To share the cost of an item proportionally, companies might use any depreciation technique. The income statement shows the monthly and annual depreciation expenditures. The cumulative depreciation is reported on the company’s balance sheet.

Physical or functional elements can cause depreciation.

Wear and tear from usage, as well as exposure to the elements, are all physical depreciation causes.

Obsolescence and changes in customer demands are examples of functional depreciation reasons that cause an asset to no longer supply the services for which it was created. Equipment, for example, may become outdated as technology advances.

The following are two frequent misunderstandings concerning depreciation in accounting:

A decrease in the market value of a fixed asset is not measured by depreciation. Depreciation, on the other hand, is the process of allocating a fixed asset’s cost to expense over the asset’s useful life. As a result, the book value of a fixed asset (cost less cumulative depreciation) rarely matches its market value. Because a fixed asset is used in a company’s activities rather than for resale, this is justified in accounting.

Depreciation does not offer funds to replace damaged fixed assets. This mistake may arise because, unlike other costs, depreciation does not require a monetary transaction to be documented.

Depreciation Expense Computation Factors.

Depreciation expenditure for a fixed asset is determined by three elements. The following are the three facets:

Useful life -The useful life of an asset is the amount of time it is deemed to be productive. It is no longer cost-effective to use the asset when it has outlived its usefulness.

Salvage value – After the asset’s useful life has ended, you may want to sell it for a lower price. This is referred to as the asset’s scrap value.

Cost of the asset – The total cost of the asset, including taxes, setup costs, and shipping.

What is the significance of depreciation? 

Depreciation accounting allows you to see the real cost of running a company much more clearly. You’ll need to understand depreciation to get a more realistic view of your company’s profitability since as assets wear out and become less valuable, they’ll need to be replaced. Depreciation is a tool that helps you figure out how much value your assets have lost over time, and if you don’t account for it in your revenue, you may be underestimating your expenditures.

Depreciation is also important in terms of taxes. Simply put, reduced earnings result in lower taxes. You might wind up paying extra tax if you don’t account for depreciation. You may eventually be able to deduct the whole cost of an asset from your taxes. Depreciation is also crucial for valuing your business since a decrease in the value of your assets might lead to a decrease in the worth of your company. Furthermore, because assets are frequently used to secure finance, if their value declines, you may find it more difficult to obtain a loan.

Methods of Depreciation

There is no single depreciation formula since there are so many different types of depreciation.

Straight-Line Depreciation Method

Straight-line depreciation is the most common and straightforward approach. It is a method of distributing the cost of an item evenly across its useful life. The formula is as follows:

Depreciation per year =  Cost of the Asset – Scrap ValueUseful Life

Declining Balance Depreciation Method  In these cases, the decreasing balance method is more accurate at representing book value each year than the straight-line method.

Yearly depreciation = Book value x Depreciation rate

Sum of the Years’ Digits Depreciation Method

When the asset is fresh, the sum of the years’ digits depreciation, like decreasing balance depreciation, results in quicker depreciation.

Yearly Depreciation = (Asset Cost – Salvage Value) factor

Units of Production Depreciation Method

Depreciation is calculated using this method by comparing the total number of units produced to the maximum number of units that the asset can produce.

Depreciation per year =  (Asset Cost- Salvage Value)x Actual ProductionEstimated Total Production in Life Time


The depreciation aspect involves investors and companies, who will show improved earnings as well as an analysis for the investment opportunity, which will have a credit limit, and different kinds of key areas are used to show the dependency of the input financial data that will help change the financial and investment limit opportunity provided by the organisation.

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