Mode of Nutrition in Plant

Mode of Nutrition in Plant

Nutrition in plants is necessary for the development and growth of plants. Cytokinin , ethylene,, and gibberellin (GA), ab- scisic acid (ABA) are some of the hormones present in a plant.

Nutrition in Plant which is also known as phytohormones are defined as a chemical substance on which the prohgress, growth and development of plants rely on. There is a Very important role of plant hormones in the development of plants. There are various types of hormones that are present in a plant and the activity of a plant is controlled by their hormones. Gibberellins are one of the examples of Plant hormones which Break the dormancy of Buds and seeds and help in the growth of the plants. On the other hand, CytokininsHormone is present in the plant which helps in the cell division of the plants. This animal also prevents the plant from senescence. 

Definition of Mode of Nutrition in Plant.

Plant hormones which are also known as phytohormones are a composition of chemicals that are present in a plant to control the activity and development of plants. There are Various types of hormones present in a plant for various operation growth of plan, cell division, budding etc. If a plant has a lack of hormones, the development and growth of the plant will be slow and vice versa. One of the examples of plant hormones are Auxins which are involved in apical dominance and tropisms of the plants. If the deficiency of this hormone occurs in the plants, the apical dominance and tropisms will not work appropriately. Hence, it can be stated that there is a vital role of plant hormones in the growth and development of plants. 

Significance of Plant nutrition

Plant hormones play a crucial role in the functionality of the plant body like transportation of food and water throughout the plant body. Plant hormones are actually derived into three main types such as Auxin, Gibberellin and cytokinin. Those are the natural hormones that are secreted in the plant body while auxin is very significant for the growth of the plant and also responsible for the embryonic development of the plant. Transition of flowers is also another crucial task that is played by the Auxin in plants. 

Gibberellin is another important plant hormone which is only plant nitrogen free plant hormone and plays different roles in the plant like organ development, environmental responses and specifically the main function of this hormone is seed germination, leaf expansion, stem elongation and many more. Cytokinins is involved in the cell division of the plant hormone where this hormone actively takes part in the cytokinesis in the plant cell division. Apart from this, nowadays scientists also artificially create plant hormones to increase the production of plants to fulfill the food needs in the human population. 

Nutrition in plants and necessity of essential hormones

The presence of hormones in appropriate quantities is essential for plants. There are various types of disease that arise in the plants due to deficiency of hormones. Powdery Mildew in the leaves and flowers of plants is one of the diseases that occurs in plants due to the deficiency of Auxin hormone in the plants. Due to lack of this hormone, the supply of ingredients and essential nutrients are not reached to the plants. And the chance of fungal attack increases on the plants. Falling of crops of the plants is also a common disease that is seen in the plants. This disease mainly occurs due to the deficiency of Auxin hormone in the plants.

Abscisic Acid is also a plant hormone which controls the development of plants such as desiccation, development of seeds, etc. due to deficiency of this hormone in the plants, soft rot disease occurs in which maceration symptoms are seen in the plants. In this disease, the growth of the plants becomes slow. The Salicylic Acid is a hormone that is present in the plants which protects them against pathogens. If this hormone is not present in the plants, the plants can not resist them from the attack of pathogens. In this way, the risk of attack of pathogens will increase due to the deficiency of this hormone in the plants.


From this Study it has been seen that plant hormones are essential for the growth and development of plants.  All the activities of the plants such as division of cells, budding, growth of  seeds and fruits, etc. are controlled by these hormones. It has also been seen that the growth and development of a plant rely on the oxygen plant hormone. The different types of plant hormones such as Auxin, Gibberellin, Salicylic Acid and cytokinin hormones present in a plant have been discussed in this study. Several types of disease that arise due to lack of hormones in the plants have also been discussed in this study. 

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