Human Circulatory System
The human circulatory system contains the heart and a vast network of blood vessels, which is liable to move the blood, nutrients, oxygen in the entire human body.
The circulatory system or the cardiovascular system is nothing but a system in the human body, built by the heart as well as a vast network of blood vessels. The human circulatory system is liable to pass the blood to each and every tissue of the entire human body in order to feasible its functionality. Apart from this, it can be said that the respiratory system is liable to pass nutrients as well as oxygen, and also hormones to muscles, organs as well as tissues of the whole human body. On the other hand, this system is responsible for removing all the dissipations from the cells and parts as well.
What is human circulatory system
The human circulatory system is one of the most vital parts of the human body. Without circulation the human body cannot survive. Various kinds of parts of the human circulatory system can be identified in the human body. The human body consists of various kinds of organs, cells and parts that need to be maintained and then its work in the human body. Blood vessels form the human circulatory system. Blood vessels are one of the essential parts in the human body. Without blood vessels it is impossible to survive, the blood vessels transfer the bloods from one organ to the other. The heart is the main in the human body and therefore the blood vessels carry and trade the blood to the heart. Arteries that are involved in the human body or that can also be known as blood vessels. Arteries carry blood from the vein and the blood and transfer the blood from one place to another in the human body. The role of the blood circulation is high in the human body. If the blood circulation stops in the human body the human will not be able to survive. Survival is only possible with the help of transferring of blood from heart to the vein. The circulatory system carries carbon dioxide, oxygen, hormones to the cell and the nutrients. Each of the things need to be presented in the human body. Also, it can be known that the blood vessels remove all the waste material from the body.
Uses of the human circulatory system
The colour of the blood is red and that it is needed in the human body without that the human body may remain incomplete. The Function of the circulatory system high in the human body. Each of the functions of the circulatory system is essential in the human body. The role of the muscular organ is most vital in the human body because it helps to pull the blood through the entire body. Capillaries are also present in the body and blood vessels. Platelets and the plasma and the platelets are included in blood cells and vessels that run in the entire body. Biology says the longs, heart, lungs, coronary and veins are the most essential part of the human body. The blood vessels deliver the blood to the entire body along with the heart, lungs, and the. Each of the hormones in the human body produces nutrients and oxygen because without oxygen and nutrients the human body may cause various kinds of diseases.
Steps involved in the circulatory system.
- Deoxygenated blood at first enters the inferior and the superior vena cava.
- Followed by deoxygenated blood entering the right atrium.
- Then the deoxygenated blood enters the tricuspid valve.
- Deoxygenated blood then enters the right ventricle.
- From there the deoxygenated blood enters into the pulmonary valve.
- Within the lungs the gaseous exchange takes place between Carbon Dioxide and oxygen.
- After the gaseous exchange, the oxygenated blood enters into the pulmonary vein.
- Then the oxygenated blood flows into the left atrium and passes to the left ventricle.
- From there the oxygenated blood passes throughout the body.
Different circuits of the human circulatory system
It comprises the heart as well as a vast network of blood vessels to work together to ensure blood circulation throughout every organ and tissue of the human body. The human circulatory system consists mainly of three circuits. All the circuits along with their functions are listed below.
Circuits of a circulatory system
The pulmonary circuit
This circuit is liable to carry the non-oxygenated blood from the heart to both the lungs. On the other hand, the oxygenated blood is returned to the heart via pulmonary veins.
The systemic circuit
This circuit is liable to carry the blood that holds oxygen, nutrients as well as hormones from the heart to the entire human body. It also picks up the waste from the cells.
The coronary circuit
This circuit is liable to provide oxygenated blood to the muscles of the heart. Moreover, it is further liable to send oxygen-poor blood to the atrium to transmit to both the lungs for oxygen.
Taking everything into account, it can be stated that the human circulatory system is nothing but a system that consists of the heart as well as a vast network of blood vessels. On the other hand, the circulatory system is liable to pass oxygen, nutrients as well as hormones to all the tissues and organs of the entire human body to ensure its functionality. Moreover, the respiratory system helps the human body to get rid of harmful waste by removing waste from all the cells. To keep all the organs, muscles, as well as tissues healthy as well as functioning, this system ensures the blood circulates throughout the entire human body. Thus, in this discussion, the overview of the “human circulatory system” has been successfully portrayed in terms of functionality.