Composition of Blood

Composition of Blood

Blood is a specialized body fluid that comprises of four different particles that are red “Blood” cells, platelets, white “Blood” cells and plasma. It is also regarded to be a fluid connective tissue.

“Blood” is regarded to be the combination of cells and plasma that tends to circulate in the entire body. “Blood” is associated with offering the human body with essential substances that consist of sugar content, oxygen and hormones that are supplied to different organs and cells. “Blood” circulation is important for removing the wastes that are present in the cells. Haematologists focus on identifying and preventing individuals from different forms of “Blood” diseases. Effective “Blood” flow is also important for developing the immunity system along with managing the level of “Blood” clotting. 

Understanding the “composition of Blood”

A higher number of cellular structures tends to influence the “composition of Blood”, and the sample of “Blood” needs to be spun within a centrifuge machine. The liquid state of “Blood” contributes towards the formation of plasma and it develops 55 per cent of the “blood” and it is of pale yellow in colours. It was identified that plasma comprises nutrients, enzymes, water.“Blood” plasma observes a higher number of proteins, that is related to the overall development of the health condition of the person. Patients who are suffering from liver failure are offered with plasma transfusion and it is regarded to be one of the most significant life-threatening injuries. Red blood cells are composed of haemoglobin, along with managing protein. RBCs are produced in the bone marrow, and they observe the responsibility of carrying oxygen to the body parts. WBCs are regarded to be fighting foreign pathogens, and it tends to get circulated in the entire body while originating from the bone marrow. 

Percentage of “composition of “Blood””

While evaluating the composition of the “blood” cells it was identified that plasma accounts for 55 per cent of the entire “blood” cells and the rest 45% comprises erythrocytes. Erythrocytes overall include RBCs, WBCs and platelets. The different form of “blood” vessels that help in managing the activities of the “blood” cells are arteries, capillaries, veins and sinusoids. “Blood” vessels and arteries are further managed in different layers that are mainly tunica intima, tunica externa and tunica media. The different layer comprises different forms of arteries and veins, and it is also formed of different types of cells. 

Functions of different “Blood” cells

In the human body, different “blood” cells tend to serve different purposes in a human body. It was identified that “blood” plasma is related to managing important proteins and that it also offers individuals with other necessary components that are required for developing the health condition of the individual. RBCs are associated with developing bone marrow conditions as they help in carrying oxygen to the body, and also take away the carbon dioxide from the bone marrow. WBCs are originated in the bone marrow and it tends to circulate overall oxygen in the entire body. Platelets exist in the form of tiny-disc shaped cells and it helps in regulating “blood” flow level. Platelet count is mandatory for managing the “blood” flow level, and it helps in indicating diseases and managing the “Blood” flow level in different individuals. 

“blood” cells are responsible for supplying oxygen to different tissues and cells, and it helps in offering nutrients to the body that are mainly amino acids, glucose and fatty acids. The composition of “blood” further observes the requirement for removing different waste materials from the body that exist in the form of lactic acid, carbon dioxide and urea. WBCs hold the responsibility of preventing the body from diseases and also help in regulating individual body temperature. 

Different forms of “Blood” disorders

The “composition of Blood” can get altered by the formation of different diseases and it also tends to alter the functions that are performed by the “blood”. One of the major “blood” disorders is anaemia, and it occurs with a reduction in the level of haemoglobin. Moreover, the individuals suffering from anaemia observe difficulty in transporting oxygen, and the skin turns out to be fatigued and pale. Another common disease associated with “blood” is that of blood clotting, and in most of the cases, it turns out to be life-threatening. Blood clot also tends to influence the level of the pulmonary embolism of the body.


The study has focused on understanding the composition of “Blood”, as it has offered information regarding the different forms of “Blood” types and “Blood” groups. It has further offered information regarding the different ratios of the components and has also illustrated the functions that are carried out by different “Blood” cells. The study has further offered information regarding the different issues that are observed by changes in the “Blood composition” level of the body. Information in this study has been offered regarding the ways “Blood” composition helps in developing the immunity system of the body.

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