Cell Functions and Structure

Cell: Functions and Structure

The structure of a cell and various types of functions of a cell is critically described here and the importance of the cell is described.

A cell is a very important part of the human body and it has various types of functions that also helps to sustain the life of a human being in a proper way.  A cell can be referred to as the basic, smallest unit of life, which generally helps in growth, 

Different between functions and structure of a cell in Biology 

The structure of a cell can be referred to as the presented objects in a cell and the function can be referred to as the responsibility, task, role, or job of a cell. Along with the help of all components of a cell, it can specifically complete the required tasks with more energy. Therefore, the function of a cell can help to “aid in reproduction”, “metabolic reactions”, “energy productions”, “and mitosis”. 

Various types of structure of a cell in Biology 

There are mainly 5 components of the cell that also help to enhance the daily life of living beings. The four components of a cell are “cell wall”, “cell membrane”, “cytoplasm”, “and nucleus “and“ cell organelles”. 

“Cell Membrane”

The cell membrane helps a cell to protect and supports from germs, bacteria, fungi, viruses. Therefore, the cell membrane is made up of proteins and lipids and also with the help of several models in a proper way. However, the cell membrane is generally the double layer of proteins and lipids that helps a cell to protect itself from the negative environment of its outside.

“Cell wall”

The cell wall is presented just outside of the cell membrane and the cell wall helps a cell to protect and support it from the outside environment. Therefore, the cell wall helps a cell to protect it from osmotic and mechanical stress and it also provides tensile strength to a cell. 


Cytoplasm can help a cell to protect from damage and it is also responsible for holding all of the cell components to strengthen the structure of a cell. The cytoplasm also helps in gathering the required molecules in the process of the structure of a cell and it also helps to shape up a cell. 


A nucleus helps to regulate and control the whole activities of a cell and it is an organelle of membrane-bound, which contains the chromosomes of a cell. Along with the help of controlling the “synthesis of proteins”, the nucleus helps a cell to protect the cell from outside activities. 

“Cell organelles”

Cell organelles are a type of subcellular structure of a cell that helps to mitigate all of the required activities of a cell to prevent the outside negative activities. The included organelles of membrane-bound in a cell are lysosomes, chloroplasts, nucleus, vacuoles that also helps to protect the cell from outside damages.    

Various types of functions of a cell in Biology 

All of the human organisms are made up of cells and cells help to perform various types of activities during our lives. There are various types of development that a cell can perform to increase the growth and development of a human being. Generally, a cell helps in various types of life activities such as personal development and personal growth, the functions of cells are mentioned below:


Along with the help of muscle cells, a human can generate the required forces for motional activities. Therefore, the importance of a cell is huge in the development of muscles and other organs in the human body.

Energy Production

A cell helps to produce the required energy in human bodies to perform heavy tasks or activities in a proper way. Along with the help of the photosynthesis process, a cell can generate all of the required energy sources to increase the performance of a human being.

Development in growth

A cell helps in the growth of a human being, development of muscles and increases the capability of working measures in a proper way. Therefore, in the mitosis process, the parent cells present in our body divides into different cells, called daughter cells. Along with the help of facilitating and multiplying the growth, a cell can help to grow the human organism in a proper way. 

Provides Structure and Support   

A cell helps to provide the support and structure of a human body, as all parts of our body are made up of cells. A cell helps the human body to improve its personal growth and shape its body in a particular way. 


The cell is the main component of our body and it is helping to structure all body parts in a proper way. Along with the help of the cells, the food nutrients can convert into energy and increase the growth of our body in a proper way. Therefore, the cells help to enhance working capabilities by producing energy in a proper way in human bodies.  

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